Quality of Sleep among Final MBBS and Final Year Engineering Students: A Comparative Study
Ashwitha Melrine Carl, AT Safeekh
Keywords :
Daytime sleepiness, Engineering students, Medical students, Sleep quality
Citation Information :
Carl AM, Safeekh A. Quality of Sleep among Final MBBS and Final Year Engineering Students: A Comparative Study. Indian Sleep Med 2023; 18 (3):41-44.
Background: The sleep-wake cycle of students varies significantly between the type of professional student and several factors including attitudes and academic overload have been identified as causative factors. The consequences of sleep problems can be serious and associated with deficits in attention, academic performance, drowsy driving, risk-taking behavior, and poor health.
Aim: To assess the quality of sleep among final MBBS and final-year engineering students.
Materials and methodology: The study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, conducted in Father Muller Medical College Hospital, Mangaluru, Karnataka. A total of 136 medical undergraduates and 135 engineering undergraduates were given self-rated Pittsburg sleep quality index (PSQI), Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) along with sociodemographic pro forma. The results were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and Chi-square.
Results: The study revealed that the PSQI Global Total Score (subjective sleep quality, daytime dysfunction, sleep latency) among MBBS and engineering students had a statistically significant difference. However, there was no association between PSQI global score categories among final-year engineering and MBBS students.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that the quality of sleep is poor among medical students as compared to non-medical (engineering) students. There is a need for the management of sleep quality among college students to improve their occupational, educational, and familial lives.
Clinical significance: There is a need for prompt detection and management of sleep quality in college students so that they might be able to cope with the social and psychological problems in their occupational, educational, and familial lives.
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