Sleep Disorders: Do Patients Follow up as Advised?
Nileena NK Mana, Hema Deenadayalan, Nagarajan Ramakrishnan
Keywords :
Awareness, Follow-up, Sleep disorders
Citation Information :
Mana NN, Deenadayalan H, Ramakrishnan N. Sleep Disorders: Do Patients Follow up as Advised?. Indian Sleep Med 2019; 14 (2):29-31.
The loss to follow-up is a common issue in chronic disease management and can have a significant impact on the outcome. This study is an attempt to monitor the proportion of patients who come for a follow-up visit within the prescribed time in a sleep clinic. A total of 204 patients (mean age—46 years) were included in the study (147 (72.1%) males and 57 (13.7%) females), of which, 192 patients were recommended a follow-up visit by the sleep physician. Of the 192, 27 patients (14%) came for the follow-up. The follow-up rate was the highest in patients with insomnia and sleep disorders secondary to psychiatric conditions and the lowest in patients with sleep-disordered breathing and miscellaneous sleep disorders. The dismal rate of follow-up reflects the necessity of increasing awareness about the importance of treating sleep disorders in the general population.
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