VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2016 ) > List of Articles
Rajat Sanker Roy Biswas, Biplob Bhattacharjee, Mohammad Mostafa
Keywords : Snoring, Frequency, Neck circumference
Citation Information : Biswas RS, Bhattacharjee B, Mostafa M. Snoring Habit in Healthy Populations of Bangladesh. Indian Sleep Med 2016; 11 (2):71-75.
DOI: 10.5958/0974-0155.2016.00011.5
License: NA
Published Online: 01-06-2014
Copyright Statement: NA
Introduction: Snoring is a common health condition which is unexplored in Bangladesh. So the objective of the present study is to find out the frequency of snoring among the healthy Bangladeshi people. Methodology: It was a single-center cross-sectional study done in the Department of Internal Medicineof a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh, among 119 apparently healthy adults. A‘Snore Survey’ questionnaire adopted from an Indian Study4 was used for this study (questionnaire was itself based onthe Berlin Questionnaire). Results: With an 88.1% valid response rate the present study included 63 males (52.94%) and 56 females (47.06%). The majority of the subjects were <30 years of age (47.9%). And a considerable majority of 82.4% was recruited from the urban locality. The frequency of snoring was seen in 28 of the total subjects (23.5%). Of the frequent snorers, 33.3% were males and 12.5% were females. Snoring distributed from daily (25.0%) to monthly (28.6%) attacks. Some snored very loudly (25.0%) while the rest had variable loudness in snoring. Male snorers had significantly higher level of height, bodyweight and neck circumference than female snorers (p <0.05). Conclusion: This is probably the first such study from Bangladesh to the best of our knowledge. Snoring is to be explored widely in future as it is associated with many other health conditions.