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Chhina S, Arora SA, Goel A, Kazimm J. Interconnect Between Periodontal Disease & Daytime Somnolence: A Cross-Sectional Study. Indian Sleep Med 2016; 11 (2):59-65.
Background: Periodontal Diseases encompass diseases of the gingiva & supporting structures such as bone and cementum. Periodontal diseases are known to have an interconnect with cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, and atherosclerosis. Recent evidence suggests a relationship between periodontal diseases and Obstructive sleep apneas (OSA).
Aim: The present study was conducted to assess the relationship between periodontal diseases and Daytime Somnolence using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).
Results: The results of this study revealed a strong relationship between severity of periodontal diseases and Daytime somnolence, although not statistically significant.
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