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Shukla G, Gupta A, Goyal V, Srivastava A, Behari M. Clinical and polysomnographic features of patients with OSAHS versus patients of stroke detected to have OSA. Indian Sleep Med 2014; 9 (3):107-112.
Objective: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is commonly found in patients with stroke; however, most of these patients are undiagnosed because they do not seekhelp for the same. As part of a prevalence study, we conducted polysomnography (PSG) recordings in consecutive patients of stroke presenting to our department. We conducted this comparative study to assess for any clinical and PSG differences between these patients and those directly presenting to our sleep disorders clinicfor OSA.
Methods: We analyzed various clinical and PSG features of consecutive patients of stroke with sleep-disordered breathing admitted between September 2009 and February 2010 consecutively. PSG was carried out after 6 weeks or more of the stroke for all patients. An equal number of patients presenting with sleep apnea at our sleep disorders clinic, during the same period, formed the control population.
Results: We included 12 male patients of stroke with sleep-disordered breathing[apnea– hypopnea index (AHI) >5] on PSG and compared them with 12 male patients who had presented for OSA, confirmed on PSG (AHI>5).We found no significant difference in sleep architecture and respiratory parametersbetween these two groups. However, we found more patientswith body mass index of >24 kg/m2among those seeking help for OSA (n=8) versus those with stroke and OSA (n=3). The former also had significantly higher Epworth sleepiness scale score(p =0.006).
Conclusion: Patients of stroke found to have OSA are less sleepy in daytime as compared to those presenting for OSA and less likely to be as obese as the latter, despite the severity of sleep apnea and associated sleep disturbances being similar.
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