Indian Journal of Sleep Medicine

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VOLUME 8 , ISSUE 3 ( July-September, 2013 ) > List of Articles


Management of Primary Insomnia Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Vikas Sharma, Gopal Ch. Mahakud, SPK Jena

Keywords : Insomnia, Cognitive behavior therapy, Sleep diary, Relaxation, Sleep quality

Citation Information : Sharma V, Mahakud GC, Jena S. Management of Primary Insomnia Using Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Indian Sleep Med 2013; 8 (3):123-128.

DOI: 10.5005/ijsm-8-3-123

License: NA

Published Online: 01-06-2018

Copyright Statement:  NA


Background:Sleep difficulty is a major issue in recent times. The problem is more pronounced in metropolitan areas attributing to more stressful environment. Research indicates that there are different approaches to the management of insomnia and Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is one of the preferred treatment modalities. Objective:To determine the symptoms related to primary insomnia and impact of cognitive behavior therapy. Method:In the present study a group of 15 participants (Age range 20-30) who fulfilled the criteria of primary insomnia were administered 10 sessions based on cognitive behavior therapy. All the participants were voluntary and informed consent for the study was obtained. Frequency of sessions was once a week. Four components of CBT:Stimulus control instructions, sleep hygiene education, relaxation and cognitive therapy were implemented. Results:Improvements in insomnia related variables such as sleep onset latency, number of nightly awakenings, total sleep time, wake up after sleep onset, sleep quality and sleep efficiency were measured before and after the intervention. The results indicate improvements in above mentioned insomnia related variables.

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