VOLUME 8 , ISSUE 2 ( April-June, 2013 ) > List of Articles
R. Dosi, P. Kejariwal, Ravi A. Dosi, Prateek Kejriwal
Keywords : SDB, ESS, Berlin Questionnaire, OSA, PSG.
Citation Information : Dosi R, Kejariwal P, Dosi RA, Kejriwal P. Comparison of Hindi version of Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and Berlin Questionnaire (BQ) to established English version for analysis of Sleep disturbed breathing (SDB). Indian Sleep Med 2013; 8 (2):77-81.
DOI: 10.5958/j.0974-0155.8.2.011
License: NA
Published Online: 01-06-2018
Copyright Statement: NA
Background Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent but under diagnosed condition in India. Polysomnogram (PSG) is the diagnostic test but poses several limitations in our country due to prohibitive cost, requirement of admission, skilled and trained staff. Objective 1. To validate the Hindi version of Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and Berlin Questionnaire. 2. Comparison of Hindi and English version of the same Questionnaire. 3. Usefulness of the Hindi Questionnaire to evaluate SDB in Hindi speaking English illiterate population. Methods 1. A Hindi version of ESS and Berlin Questionnaire was prepared by the Authors. 2. On the basis of random selection using a double blind technique we distributed the Hindi and English version to patients referred to us for evaluation of SDB. 3. If patient was illiterate in either of the language; questionnaire in other language was given. 4. Data recording and analysis of the sleep interview was performed for 430 patients over a period of 18 months. Results 1. Hindi literate patients and illiterate patients – 200 2. Bilingual patients – 180 3. Non Hindi non English speaking patients – 50 (18- Kannad; 19- Telgu; 13- Marathi) 4. Correlation of Hindi sleep interview to overnight PSG – 85% Conclusion Sleep interview in the mother tongue of the subject is a cheap and effective alternative to the standard English counterpart. Routine screening of patients in Hindi dominant belt, patients should be subjected to the Hindi sleep study questionnaire on an OPD basis.