Relation of sleep related events and spontaneous arousals during slow wave & REM sleep in healthy individuals
M Nagappa, C Nayak, S Sinha, M Philip, AB Taly
Keywords :
Arousals, N3, REM, phasic sleep event
Citation Information :
Nagappa M, Nayak C, Sinha S, Philip M, Taly A. Relation of sleep related events and spontaneous arousals during slow wave & REM sleep in healthy individuals. Indian Sleep Med 2013; 8 (2):51-55.
Background & purpose: Focussed studies about association between arousals and phasic sleep events are few. We analyzed the association between arousals and sleep events during slow wave (N3) & REM (R).
Methodology: Overnight PSG recording of 30 healthy adults were analyzed using AASM manual (2007). Occurrence of various sleep events and arousals were analyzed.
Results: There were 405 arousals, only 45 were de novo. In N3, sleep events associated with arousals included PLM-110 (88.7%); sleep spindles-48 (38.7%); desaturation-4 (3.2%); snore-13 (10.5%); and apnea-3 (2.4%). During R, sleep events associated with arousals included PLM- 203 (72.2%); rapid eye movement-99 (35.2%); snore-53 (18.9%); desaturation- 2 (0.7%); and apnea-12 (4.3%). Number of arousals in N3 and R that occurred de novo, and with single and multiple events were: a) N3-de novo 9 (7.3%); single event-61 (49.2%) and multiple events-54 (43.5%); b) REM: de novo-36 (12.8%); single event-132 (47.0%) and multiple event-113 (40.2%).
Conclusions: Majority of arousals (88.9%) in normal individuals are associated with phasic sleep events. Such studies might unravel the understanding of arousals in sleep and its mechanism.
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