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Viswanathan V, Sunaina S, Vigneswari A, Satyavani K. Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes may have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea even at Lower BMI Values. Indian Sleep Med 2012; 7 (2):45-47.
Aim was to evaluate subjects with type 2 diabetes at risk of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). A total of 436 subjects (M/F=273:163) were evaluated and categorised as those unlikely to have significant OSA (ESS score <10; absence of snoring) and likely to have significant OSA (ESS score >10; presence of snoring). Body mass index (BMI), HbA1c and micro- and macrovascular complications were recorded. Among 436 subjects, 242 were unlikely to have significant OSA, of which 20% were randomly selected (n=58; Group 1) and compared with subjects (8.3%) likely to have OSA (n=36; Group 2). In all, 50% in Group 2 and 36% in Group 1 had hypertension (P=0.27). In Group 2, 2.8% had BMI (kg/m2) <23, 5.6% had 23–23.9, 19.4% had 24–24.9, 25% were between 25 and 26.9, and 47.2% had e”27. Diabetic subjects even with normal BMI were at risk of OSA and more likely to have macrovascular comorbidity.
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