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Krishna J, Chua A, Kotagal P, Ping CA. Revisiting Kleine-Levin Syndrome – a case report and review. Indian Sleep Med 2010; 5 (4):111-115.
A 15 year-old girl who was previously well presented with severe recurrent episodic hypersomnia associated with abnormal behavior and hyperphagia after recovery from a mild upper respiratory tract infection (URTI). Physical examination was unremarkable with normal blood tests, brain imaging and electroencephalogram (EEG). A multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) during a typical episode showed moderate hypersomnolence in contrast to a normal MSLT performed an the interval between episodes. Clinical features were consistent with Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS). She was started on carbamazepine treatment after failing a trial of methylphenidate and is currently being followed up for her symptoms.
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