Citation Information :
Mobashir A, Nangia V, Shenoy SS, Dalal N, Chandran RR. Insomnia: An Under-recognized Mental Health Catastrophe during the COVID-19 Era. Indian Sleep Med 2022; 17 (4):93-98.
Introduction: The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has affected individuals globally in varied manners. It has also affected the psychosocial well-being, particularly of persons residing in the countries that were worst affected. In India, complete lockdown, social distancing, working from home, and fear of getting infected have caused a vast majority to develop problems related to sleep. We studied the prevalence of insomnia and also identified the potential modifiable risk factors that can address the coronavirus-related sleep pandemic.
Materials and methods: We conducted a survey using a questionnaire delivered through the internet. A total of 645 individuals were enrolled in the study. Insomnia severity index was used to calculate the prevalence of clinically significant insomnia. Data were coded and recorded in MS Excel spreadsheet program. SPSS v23 was used for data analysis.
Results: We found that 51.3% (n = 331) of our study population had clinically significant insomnia out of which 137 (21.2%) reported new onset symptoms during the lockdown. Statistically significant association were found between insomnia and female gender, age, anxiety, caffeine consumption, alcohol consumption, and sleep–wake patterns.
Conclusions: In conclusion, the burden of insomnia is more than those that seek treatment. It has tremendous negative consequences on patient's well-being. During the pandemic, given the current social and economic doldrums, insomnia may very well be the last nail in the coffin for those with pre-existing mental illnesses just trying to stay afloat.
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