Objective: To investigate the prevalence of snoring and its risk factors in obese Indian Population.
Method: Cross – sectional study. 300 subjects, with BMI> 25 kg /m2 were evaluated with a questionnaire for symptoms of sleep disorders, details of significant medical history, family history, anthropometric measurements, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) were noted. A univariate and logistic regression analysis was done a ROC curve generated. The sensitivity, specificity was calculated and formula devised for calculating the snoring score.
Results: The mean age was 34.59 (sd 10.83), M: F = 1:1, 49 (16%) had history of habitual snoring. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed age, gender, nocturia, and presence of arthritis, family history of snoring, smoking and higher ESS score as significant risk factors of snoring.
Conclusion: Snoring is more common in males, the modifiable risk factor being smoking.
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